Preferred Partners

CAF’s Preferred partner program gathers the support of housing industry organizations and professionals that share our goals of affordable housing and wealth creation.

Lenders, Realtors, Title companies and building inspectors participate in our events sharing their expertise with families seeking housing opportunities.

We offer monthly first time homebuyer classes where our preferred partners have the opportunity to teach homebuyers the different aspects involved in purchasing a home and working with industry professionals.

We also have community events, a radio program where we invite our partners for interviews as well as an extensive social media network to promote their content and brand.

CAF serves over 15,000 families every year and is joined by a large network of faith based organizatins in the Washington, DC; Marryland, Massachussetts and Virginia areas where we operate.

Become a preferred partner by visiting our web page or by contacting our staff.


  • Assets Building Program
  • First Time Homebuyer Education
  • Foreclosure Prevention
  • Rent Relief Program
  • Financial Education
  • Credit Rebuilding

Contact us:

Walkiria Pool, President & Founder at:
6801 Kenilworth Ave. Suite 110 Riverdale, MD 20737
Tel: 301.328.3292