Homebuyer Education program

The Homebuyer Education Program is done through educational workshop sessions in which educational material is provided to the participants in the group. These workshops conform to HUD’s Homebuyer Education and Financial Literacy Program guidelines. In our Homebuyer Education Program, participants complete an eight-hour course and clients are urged to get a one-on-one counseling session with a housing counselor to complement the group sessions. The homeownership counseling model,  emphasize one-on-one counseling where trained counselors work with low to moderate income families over a period of time to help them become mortgage ready. This individual attention is critical to low income Latino families who may be unfamiliar with the home buying process.

This includes providing one-on-one counseling services on the process of purchasing a house; learning about fair housing; budgeting for mortgage; money management; post-purchase and maintenance. This also may include counseling on alternative sources such as how to apply and obtain housing assistance, identifying and avoiding predatory lending practices. 

Services Offered by the Program:

  • Homebuyer Education Class
  • One-On-One Counseling: Financial Analizys, Affordability Assessment, Referal to different loan products and Credit Assesment.

Register for our next class:

To sign up for our upcoming workshop please visit or event page: (https://mycaf.org/events-2/). If you need to schedule a One/One section with one of our HUD approve counselors please complete the following.

Step 1:  (Click the link below and complete our digital intake): https://forms.office.com/r/VnUTmB9f30

Step:2 Please email the following documents to doc@mycaf.org for our counselors to be able provide an assessment of your individual situation:
     1-  Credit report ( if available)
     2-  Pre-approval letter ( if applicable)
     3-  Pay stubs for the last 30 days, or any other income support document (food stamps, Social Sec., Child support, etc.)
     4-  Most current bank statements

An appointment will be schedule once intake and documents have been received.